I remember so vividly the frustration I felt when I myself was going through puberty. The hidden rules, rapid and uncomfortable changes in my body,  the double standards and whispered conversations about how to keep myself safe as a woman. I never wanted my wife to feel the same frustrations I did and I set out to give her the transition into womanhood that I never had. Think of me as your queer big sister - here to answer all the questions you might be afraid to ask!

I have been a practicing member of the kink community for over a decade and I am a Kink Affirming Professional through the Buehler Institute. Kink and BDSM is often viewed as “other” or “taboo” even though we see many kinks appear in the mainstream. However, as these practices drift into the mainstream - the safety, ethics and good practices are often left behind while many people are too nervous or uncomfortable seeking out that information themselves. I want to help people have the best sex life possible and find the joy, laughter and expression through BDSM and Kink that I have.